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Hi, I'm Vaibhav
Linux × FOSS × Code × Design
About Me
Hi there! I am Vaibhav Pratap Singh, known by the Username V8 on the Internet. I am interested in Computers, Internet, FOSS, Linux, Design, and Coding. I am a CSE student who loves exploring new areas of interest. I am a firm believer in KISS and Unix philosophy. I am Inquisitive and Curious by nature. Feel free to reach out to me at my social handles, although I might not respond right away :)
The Piracy Index Website
The greatest Piracy Site which indexes all the greatest piracy sites around the web.
Telegram - Libadwaita Theme
GTK4 / Libadwaita theme for Telegram Desktop of Linux/Windows/MacOS
Face Recognition using CV2
The project I had to make for some funny reasons of my college.
The shortest best optimized alternative for vfetch made to run in all POSIX shells